Questions? We have answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bot support

Always Ready to Assist

At Rent•a•Bot, we understand technology often comes with questions. Therefore, we provide 24/7 support to all our clients. Not only are you connected to patients or loved ones with our superior telepresence technology, but you are always connected to our experience team. 

Below is a quick listing of frequently asked questions we hear from potential clients about Rent•a•Bot. If you still have questions after browsing these, then simply give us a call and we are happy to answer those for you.

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This question tops our frequently asked questions, as we know with any technology security is always at the top-of-mind for people. To put your mind at ease, we value security as much as you do in today’s increasingly digital world. At Rent•a•Bot we utilize our own private network, known as a VPN, to ensure all data stays private between patient and doctor. Additionally, Rent•a•Bot is HIPAA compliant. Finally, our technology is managed locally by our team and never outsourced. We want every Rent•a•Bot user to rest-assured security is always of the utmost importance to us. 

This is a great and common question we hear. Teleconferencing is nothing new, but in the last couple years has bloomed into becoming the norm, even in the medical industry. Doctors now have Zoom, or similar video calls, with patients. However, if you have been on one of those calls you know how limiting that screen is when you are trying to show or demonstrate a physical issue. 

Rent•a•Bot completely changes that as it allows patients to mobilize their call. Need to walk around to show a physical therapist how your healing is going? With a Rent•a•Bot that is no problem at all! Zoom and other video calls limit mobility but Rent•a•Bot thrives in showing your health care team the FULL picture!

If you’ve suffered a major injury, or undergone a surgery, or immune-compromised, then heading over to a doctors or office visit might not be as simple as that. You might not be able to drive or get a ride to the health care facility. Or maybe you need regular, on-going check-in appointments making it hard constantly keep up, especially if it is weekly or even daily. Many people are immune compromised for various reasons and do not want to risk regular appointments at doctor’s office or hospitals where they will continually encounter extensive germs or viruses. Luckily, Rent•a•Bot’s telepresence technology eliminates all those problems! Our technology means you can talk with every member of your care team right from the comfort of your own home. Click here to read more about the advantages Rent•a•Bot offers you!

Yes! We offer ‘test drives’. Call us today to schedule yours. 

Our team provides extensive training to patients, caregivers, and family that plan to utilize the technology. We also offer 24/7 support so you will never be left not knowing what to do with your Rent•a•Bot. 

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